1. Hong kong
2. Car
3. Oversea Study
4. food
5. gay marrige
6 quiting smoking
7. student life
8. keep health
9. how to get a 4.0
10. Difficulfly of learning a new language
11. Soccer
12 Billiard
13 how to manage your time
14. Aminal Care
15. 25 things to do before dead
16. joy or job
17. Best place to travel to
18. Culture
19. School
20. 3D printer
Hello. This is Hauki Chan
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Post VII
MLK and Malcolm X
MLK and Malcolm X they both are incredible person throughout history. They fought for the same reason, but not in a similar way. These two people have different back life. MLK was raised in a mid class family and well educated, on the other hand Malcolm X was raised in a poor area where don't have much schooling. Not only the background causes the difference between these two man. MLK is a christian, and Malcolm X is a Muslim, so all of it combined made these two very different people and also the character of these two people.
MLK always against violence, he wanted all the people live in a peace environment where hate is not allowed, and MLK tried to approach the equality by inspired people and made them change MLK called it "the weapon of love". Malcolm X thought differently he didn't love the white like MLK did. Malcolm X believed in order to approach the equality he is willing to use "by any means necessary". Both of them shared a goal, but they tended to use a very different ways achieve the equality.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Post VI
Hello every one,
I will start with a story, a story about my friend Ana. She is a college student who working in a fast food restaurant in order to pay for her college tuition. She is a hard working person, she is working daily at night, and taking class in the morning. Ana has no time to hang out with her friend even with her family. Even though, she barely make enough money to pay her tuition money. She is not extraordinary out standing in the class neither the best worker in the restaurant, however, there is no doubt she is a hard working young lady who doing whatever she can to finish college. So what can the community do for her?
I will start with a story, a story about my friend Ana. She is a college student who working in a fast food restaurant in order to pay for her college tuition. She is a hard working person, she is working daily at night, and taking class in the morning. Ana has no time to hang out with her friend even with her family. Even though, she barely make enough money to pay her tuition money. She is not extraordinary out standing in the class neither the best worker in the restaurant, however, there is no doubt she is a hard working young lady who doing whatever she can to finish college. So what can the community do for her?
This speech is about the college tuition fees is higher than it suppose to be, and tuition fees have significantly increased in the recent years. If Sydney is going to give a speech to the congressman storytelling would be one of the best ways to tell what problems college student is facing. This introduction can tell how critical the college students doing to finish college and give a picture to the government what it is like.
College should not be easy to everyone, but should it be hard on the study or hard to be able to stay in college? This is a true story to many people, many American students who don't want to have a loan for study or before they have a full time job. That is a good thinking, but how many people can do that and how hard it to be done. It bring to many questions, first of all why college tuition is so expensive? Most of the students in the college are young and unemployed should they be taken a huge amount of money before they can make money? Would students do a better job on study if they are full time students? There are many things a society can help the students, for example, stop the inflation of tuition and support the student who is doing a good job unlike scholarship, it should not depends on the grade that student got, but depends on does the student giving effect like attention or class participation.
College should not be easy to everyone, but should it be hard on the study or hard to be able to stay in college? This is a true story to many people, many American students who don't want to have a loan for study or before they have a full time job. That is a good thinking, but how many people can do that and how hard it to be done. It bring to many questions, first of all why college tuition is so expensive? Most of the students in the college are young and unemployed should they be taken a huge amount of money before they can make money? Would students do a better job on study if they are full time students? There are many things a society can help the students, for example, stop the inflation of tuition and support the student who is doing a good job unlike scholarship, it should not depends on the grade that student got, but depends on does the student giving effect like attention or class participation.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Post V
In many great speeches emotion is involved, speakers like to use emotion in a speech because it can related to the audience and makes the audience feel more involved to the event or speech. In "I have a dream" speech, MLK got emotional during his speech. During that period of time, the African-American was suffering discrimination, racial desperation. It was the difficult time black people, however, many people stood up for their right. At the beginning of the speech MLK talked about how the the black people were promised and how they had be treated. Over hundreds of years, black people have been trying to be treat equally. He was sad and he want the people be upset too, because he has a dream. A hope that all the people in America can get along.
In the speech MLK inspired the audience by his words, and moved the people by his emotion. He wanted America became a better nation by free the Black people. In his speech he tells the people the right the freedom is rightfully theirs and the nation had made the promise. And them the black people shall wait no longer. Emotion was very important in this speech, MLK was sad, angry, but also hopeful. The emotion of the whole event can easily became hate, but MLK wanted the people, asked the people, and told the people to stay together, become brothers and sisters. Emotion can be used differently and have a different effect in this case MLK used emotion to bind the people.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Why did Dr. king have a forum for giving his speech?
First of all, Dr. Marin Luther King, Jr. gave a remarkable speech on August 28, 1963 called "I have a dream". His goal was end racism in America, and fight for civic right. This speech is about 17 mins long located at Lincoln Memorial Washington DC to over hundreds of thousands audience. This is a very famous speech Dr. King begun his speech by telling how black people were treated unfairly and how did America had treat her people badly.
Martin Luther King, Jr. gave "I have a dream" speech in front of Lincoln Memorial, President of The United State, Abraham Lincoln a man who supports civic right abandon slavery. Dr. King was giving a speech which shared the same idea with President Lincoln, therefore Dr. King chose a idea place and given a great speech that remind all the people
in the America that black people shall no longer suffer from discrimination.
Martin Luther King, Jr. gave "I have a dream" speech in front of Lincoln Memorial, President of The United State, Abraham Lincoln a man who supports civic right abandon slavery. Dr. King was giving a speech which shared the same idea with President Lincoln, therefore Dr. King chose a idea place and given a great speech that remind all the people
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Palin's speech analysis
This are the five significant line in the speech I've selected.
1. And I have Protected the taxpayer by vetoing wasteful spending nearly half a billion dollars in veto.
2. We cannot leave ourselves at the mercy of foreign suppliers.
3. We need American energy resources, brought to you by American ingenuity, and produced by American workers.
4. This is a man who can give an entire speech about wars America is fighting, and never use the word victory except when he is talking about his own campaign.
5. In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers, and then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change.
1. And I have Protected the taxpayer by vetoing wasteful spending nearly half a billion dollars in veto.
2. We cannot leave ourselves at the mercy of foreign suppliers.
3. We need American energy resources, brought to you by American ingenuity, and produced by American workers.
4. This is a man who can give an entire speech about wars America is fighting, and never use the word victory except when he is talking about his own campaign.
5. In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers, and then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change.
This is a really inspired, patriotic speech given by Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin did a very good job on the speech, first off she started introduce her family, and talked what her politics are, and what she wished to change for America. She is the first woman who attempt to be the vice president, and the public liked her and her speech, the audiences react to her with enthusiasm many times.
I want to analysis one the her lines, "In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers, and then there are those like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change." A huge respond right after Sarah said this line. People liked what she said. Before she says this, she talked about her opponent Obama, she discussed what Obama said, his politics, and what she dislike about him. I believe this line can had such a big reaction because people like this because this is a promise. A promise says they would be doing a better job than Obama. And also, they do not set the goal of being a good president or vice president, they goal is do what is best to America.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
First Speech Question
1. Public speaking is the number one fear in America. Death is number two. Why? what make public speaking so scary to people?
In my opinion, people afraid to public speaking for several reasons. First of all, most of the people do not familiar to public speaking, and don't used to speak in front numbers of people, and that create a pressure. People feel stress to do it. Next reason is the risk of being rejected, people afraid of speaking in public because there is a a risk of being rejected. For example, a politician share one of his politics which wasn't so welcomed to others. The others dislike the politician because of it even though the politician might has others good politics. Public speaking is so powerful and also effective, but it also has the negative affect.
My own experience, my past english class often had presentation, and I had to present my idea in front of the whole class, even that was a 20 people class I could feel the stress. I was afraid that people would feel bored during my speech, maybe they don't want to listen to me, or they disagree with me, maybe they have better reason and make my speech seems meaningless. There were many other reasons I felt stress. The way I over came the stress is keep telling myself I am only talking to 20 people and i just need to say what I had prepared and I don't need to care the others.
2. In your opinion, what makes a speech good/interesting? What makes a speech bad?
For me, a good speech it has to connect with the audiences in someway. It doesn't matter it is a informative, persuasive, entertainment, or any other type of speech.
In my opinion, people afraid to public speaking for several reasons. First of all, most of the people do not familiar to public speaking, and don't used to speak in front numbers of people, and that create a pressure. People feel stress to do it. Next reason is the risk of being rejected, people afraid of speaking in public because there is a a risk of being rejected. For example, a politician share one of his politics which wasn't so welcomed to others. The others dislike the politician because of it even though the politician might has others good politics. Public speaking is so powerful and also effective, but it also has the negative affect.
My own experience, my past english class often had presentation, and I had to present my idea in front of the whole class, even that was a 20 people class I could feel the stress. I was afraid that people would feel bored during my speech, maybe they don't want to listen to me, or they disagree with me, maybe they have better reason and make my speech seems meaningless. There were many other reasons I felt stress. The way I over came the stress is keep telling myself I am only talking to 20 people and i just need to say what I had prepared and I don't need to care the others.
2. In your opinion, what makes a speech good/interesting? What makes a speech bad?
For me, a good speech it has to connect with the audiences in someway. It doesn't matter it is a informative, persuasive, entertainment, or any other type of speech.
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